Arts & Culture


Arts & Culture

AT&T Performing Arts Center | Toward support of the Raise the Curtain Campaign (COVID-19 relief)
Cara Mia Theatre Co. | Toward updated lighting and sound equipment
Dallas Arts District Foundation | Toward updating Dallas Arts District Master Plan
Dallas Black Dance Theatre| For a replacement industrial printer
Dallas Symphony Orchestra | Toward replacing two public-facing elevators at Morton Meyerson Symphony Center
Dallas Theater Center | Toward the development of the master plan for Kalita Humphreys Theater
Dallas Theater Center | Dallas Theater Center One Time Fund 
Dallas Winds | For updated technology
Deep Vellum Publishing, Inc. | Toward a $200,000 initiative to expand and renovate their Deep Ellum bookstore
Encore Park Dallas | Toward a capital campaign for Phase 2 to include renovation of the 508 Park Avenue Building
Forest Forward | Toward a capital campaign to revitalize the Forest Theater
Forest Forward | Toward additional support toward the restoration of the Forest Theater and surrounding community
Junior Players Guild | Toward tablets and laptops to support programs offered during out-of-school time
Majestic Theater - Dallas |To fund the Centennial Celebration
Nasher Sculpture Center | To replace the humidification and building management systems
North Texas Business Council for the Arts | Toward a new website
Oak Cliff Film Society | For a portable digital cinema projection system
Orchestra of New Spain | For updated technology
Sammons Center for the Arts | Toward an HVAC replacement, including updating the filtration system
Sammons Center for the Arts | Toward the Commonwealth Expansion masterplan
Shakespeare Dallas | To replace outdated lighting equipment
Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center | For technology at this agency that is working to document ancient cave art
Teatro Dallas | For lighting and sound theatrical equipment
TeCo Theatrical Production, Inc. dba Bishop Arts Theatre Center| For a new marque
Texas Ballet Theater | For capital improvements at the Dallas school
The Arts Community Alliance (TACA) |Support of TACA Coronavirus Emergency Relief Fund
The Black Academy for Arts & Letters | Toward a digital library
The Dallas Opera | For updated technology to improve audience experiences